Internet Privacy Guaranteed ad (POTP Jr.)

IPG Sales ipgsales at
Wed Feb 21 15:26:04 PST 1996

Tim  - Thank you for your open mindess -  Perhaps you, Lucky and some of 
the others would like to know how the manufacturing process is done:

1. The OTPs are generated on a standalone diskette only system, no hard 
   disk, networking or anything else - they are generated in packets, 
   10 Nvelopes, or OTPs at a time - a however many packets will fit on a 
   diskette - currently 120 packets, but that may go down -  the 
   diskettes are not labelled,  or identifed in any way.

2. From there, they go to QC - we perform:

   A: Full autocorrelation to determine if there is any singing, 
      ringing, reverberation, RFI,  or other anomalies present -
      if so discarded, if not continued -

   B. Cross Correlation to determine the existence of staccatic noise 
       or discontinuities if any - if so discaarded - if not continued

   C. Bit, Character, and Couplet, Triplet tests for Standard Deviation, 
      Chi Square - Delta ICs (Deltas on incremental changes), First 
      Differences, Second Differences, and a repaeating sequnce test -) 
      These all must pass threshold tests. They are not perfect, to do so 
      would destroy randomness, but they must meet certain thresholds. 
      If they fail to pass  then they are discarded - if they pass -
      still no labels but-

   D. System Integration - if they are to be downloaded to a customer,    
      they are encrypted for that customer - off line on a network system 
      - but directly from diskette to encrypted form - no labels or 
      anything to identify the data sets. So now it resides off line in a 
      form that can be sent encrypted to the customer. This system does 
      allow decryption, only encryption.

   E. It is then loaded onto a Internet capable system and 
      transmitted to the customer - 

   F. If the system is is a first time delivery - a template is used to 
      design the system - number of users, user types - and the like - 
      the data is unlabelled - there is no way to determine what the data
      is. The system is still unlabelled at this point - but the system 
      size is noted from a manufacture order but no designation of who it 
      is to be sent to - it is then sent to shipping where labels from 
      shipping orders are finally assigned.

      Where during this process do employees have access to the dqta to 
      make copies or determine what the OTPs are?

      Furthermore: For those unsatisfied with the security set out 
                   above, as soon as we can get it set up properly, we 
                   will invite any customer who so desires to come to 
                   our facilities and  manufacture there own OTPs on 
                   their own computers - hard drives disconnectd - in 
                   a RFI and radiation shielded environment - they can 
                   manufacture six months supply, or a year or 
                   whatever - 

        Additionally, we will not - repeat will not comply with any 
        court order to supply copies to anyone - we will go to jail or be 
        shut down first and always -

There is a lot more, but that is a general rundown - 

Thank you again for yuour openmindness - we are sure that we cannot 
satisgfy anyone about the integrity of our security - our 
manufacturing employees - primarily middle aged women operators with 
little if any technical expertise - do not have any access to the OTPs.


Stubborness and stupidity are twins - Sophocles

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