Internet Privacy Guaranteed ad (POTP Jr.)

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Wed Feb 21 08:40:14 PST 1996

Mike McNally writes:
> IPG Sales writes:
>  > We do not keep copies, we would not be in business 30 days if 
>  > we did.
> How do you ensure that the keys are not intercepted, duplicated by a
> man-in-the-middle, and forwarded?

Besides, how do we KNOW they don't keep the keys? Other than their
vigorous protestations, of course -- and even were they paragons of
virtue instead of being about as slimey as they come it wouldn't be

Any system in which a third, untrusted party generates your keys for
you is, plain and simple, totally unacceptable. Period. I cannot
conceive of the circumstances under which I would allow a client to
use such a system if they had anything more important to protect than
their grocery list.


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