No Subject

owner-cypherpunks at owner-cypherpunks at
Wed Feb 21 01:45:59 PST 1996

> Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 14:50:00 -0600
> From: Nemesis <richier at Onramp.NET>
> To: cypherpunks at
> Subject: (no subject)

> How do i get off the mailing list??????

reply follows-------------------------------------------------------

to unsubscribe from the cypherpunks mailing list, send to:

		majordomo at

an e-mail message with the following text in the body of the message:

	unsubscribe cypherpunks richier at

buenas suerte, nemesis.

p.s. -- a little hint: if your mail reader lets you save messages rec'd 
in folders or some such thing, you should save all the messages you get 
from mailing list software (like the first two messages you got from 
cypherpunks) in a sepaprate folder (like one called 'lists'.) Then you 
will be able to go back and unsubscribe or sign off when you want.

I'm thinking of putting the how to unsubscribe info for RFC-Dist and 
IETF-Announce (and maybe c.punks) in a .sig file - but I hate sigs so.

obligatory crypto comment: has anyone looked at the iPower card and 
gotten one to play with? Where else could one get a PCMCIA card that was 
programmable and had a little memory on it? How hard would it be to make 
one - in other words, what could we get the cost down to for an 
encrypting pcmcia card? there couldn't be much to it, really, could there?
latest word from the other room: Buchanan 27%, Dole 26%, Lamar 13%

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