Public Access Obsolete. Capitalism offers free email

lmccarth at lmccarth at
Wed Feb 21 00:23:22 PST 1996

Duncan writes:
# two companies are preparing to offer free email to customers who agree
# to be barraged by ads.  Juno and Freemark will soon offer free email to all
# (Americans).

Nobody writes:
> It might be a cheap safe way to set up a remailer too...

I'd be (very pleasantly) surprised if they will let you run code on the free
email account. After all, if you could, you could install a filter like 
procmail and automatically trash most of the junk mail :}

-Lewis	"You're always disappointed, nothing seems to keep you high -- drive 
	your bargains, push your papers, win your medals, fuck your strangers;
	don't it leave you on the empty side ?"  (Joni Mitchell, 1972)

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