JavaScript to grab email

Bill Frantz frantz at
Tue Feb 20 10:51:07 PST 1996

At  4:33 PM 2/20/96 +0200, Jyri Kaljundi wrote:
>Another annoying feature in JavaScript and Netscape. Have a look at 
>The page uses JavaScript to steal your e-mail address and sends a test 
>e-mail message to the address it grabbed. It works with Netscape, which 
>is probably only browser supporting JavaScript.
>Probably there will soon be thousands of pages which include this code, 
>and people using Netscape 2.0 will be spammed with commercial messages. 
>So just put some false e-mail address in your Netscape browser to disable 
>this feature.

Anyone know the email address of an email reflector that automatically
sends everything sent (not bounced) to it back to the sender.  Or I suppose
I could use invalid names/domain names.

Bill Frantz       | The CDA means  | Periwinkle  --  Computer Consulting
(408)356-8506     | lost jobs and  | 16345 Englewood Ave.
frantz at | dead teenagers | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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