Fuck Islam and the Apologists Cluttering Up this List with Defenses of It

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Mon Feb 19 19:44:52 PST 1996

At 12:08 AM 2/20/96, Sean Gabb wrote:
>I did say I wouldn't send this review.  But having broken purdah once
>already this evening, I see no harm in doing so again.
>Sean Gabb.

All of you in the following list please take me off your list of responses:

Sean Gabb <cea01sig at gold.ac.uk>, Alan Horowitz <alanh at infi.net>, Ashfaq
Rasheed <ashfaq at corp.cirrus.com>, jpb at miamisci.org

(Generally, I don't see why people keep letting the cc: and To: fields get
cluttered up with additional names, unless someone is not reading the CP
list, in which case who cares if they don't get it?)

Please don't send me separate copies (in addition to what is sent to the
IslamPunks mailing list) of this Muslim crap....it's bad enough seeing the
pro-Muslim apologists explaining why the Word of Allah (hollow be his name)
is more liberating than any decadent, Western system can be, about how
women are more free under Islam because they have the freedom to be
obedient to the will of her husband and Allah (hollow be his name), the
freedom to be beaten with sticks if they show their face in public, and the
freedom to have their devil organs removed.

And don't send me any more apologies about how it is only "Arab Islam" that
is barbaric and authoritarian...the Persians don't exactly like to be
called Arabic, and yet the Persian/Iranian branch (Shiite) is amongst the
most backward of all the Muslim sects. (Women dismissed from their
professional jobs when Khomeini took over, forced to wear the chador, death
warrant on Rushdie, and so on.)

--Tim May

[This Bible excerpt awaiting review under the Communications Decency Act]
And then Lot said, "I have some mighty fine young virgin daughters. Why
don't you boys just come on in and fuck them right here in my house - I'll just
watch!"....Later, up in the mountains, the younger daughter said. "Dad's
getting old. I say we should fuck him." So the two daughters got him drunk and
screwed him all that night. Sure enough, Dad got them pregnant....Onan really
hated the idea of doing his brother's wife and getting her pregnant while
his brother got all the credit, so he pulled out before he
came....Remember, it's not a good idea to have sex with your sister, your
brother, your parents,
your pet dog, or the farm animals, unless God tells you to. [excerpts from
the Old Testament, Modern Vernacular Translation, TCM, 1996]

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