True democracy in America.

Deranged Mutant wlkngowl at
Sat Feb 17 20:25:06 PST 1996


Michael Peponis wrote:
> In my opinion, only the most basic of services, trash collection, road
> maintenance, education (decided upon experts, not just people with opinions.
> I don't claime to be an expert on history, so why should I have a say on how it
> is tought, I have no expertise in that area).

An off-topic quickie rant regarding "essential services" and 
"qualification"... I notice in the current tax-cutting climate (at least 
in the US) that people who resent it when garbage collectors, janitors, 
teachers, train conductors, etc. are making a "decent" wage because they 
have to pay the taxes and fees (private as well as public) for these 
services.  They seem to view the fact that they have a college degree 
makes them more entitled to a reasonable standard of living than a 
high-school drop-out...

Yet in terms of supply and demand economics, perhaps garbage collectors 
etc. deserve to be paid more than accountants and salesmen...

This has nothing to do with cypherpunks or himalayan hackers in hot tubs, 
so back to the usual data trash.
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