Text of personal use exemption

Ian Goldberg iang at cs.berkeley.edu
Sat Feb 17 17:51:33 PST 1996


Michael Froomkin wrote:
> http://www.law.miami.edu/~froomkin/personal-use.txt
Interesting.  Note, however, the following proviso (123.27(a)(1)):

   (1) The software product(s) are to be used only on a simultaneously
temporarily exported Category XIII(b)(1) hardware product or a
simultaneously exported item on the Commerce Control List (CCL)

This seems to say a couple of things:

o I can't bring my copy of PGP or kerberos with me on a floppy,
  intending to use it abroad on a conveniently available computer; I must
  bring a computer with me.

o The computer I bring with me must be a Category XIII(b)(1) hardware
  product; that is, something that is illegal to export (now, except
  for personal use), or be on the CCL.

That second one seems weird.  Does the CCL have things like normal portable
computers on it?  Otherwise, this exemption seems pretty useless...

   - Ian
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