Libertarians and crypto and such

blanc blancw at
Sat Feb 17 10:16:47 PST 1996

(I was alerted to the fact that my post came out strangely formatted, so I'm re-sending hoping it looks better this time).

A note on the arguments disintegrating into granular accusations & counter accusations:

Some of you ought to realize that no matter what category of political/philosophical inclinations a person has, or deems themselves to have, or is deemed to have by others, they as individuals are still going to have their own peculiar perspective, their own version, of these views.   

Meaning, that it is not 100% predictable that *all* libertarians will think & do the same as all other so-called "libertarians".  "Democrats" or "Republicans" or even "wiccans" will have their own variations on the same themes and disagree among themselves over what the most correct policy for action could be/should be/shall be.

These labels for philosophical & political stands are really only general indicators of an individual's conclusions about worldy events or the direction in which they tend to orient their sympathies;  when the "rubber meets the road" and real action or some real support is required, it can be quite surprising to see their actual responses to events.

Whether one person or a like-minded group is aligned philosophically correctly (suitable to one's own preferences) or not, is info that is useful only for determining trends; no matter what combination of beliefs a particular group concocts into a world-view, it is still required of the individual person that they deal effectively with whatever threats arise in *their own* immediate Present, regardless of what anyone else did in the History of Mankind or what "those other groups" extol as being The Right Thing for All (tm).

Aren't one's own actions more important and telling than any group affiliations?

The ideals which motivate one to seek the use of encryption are very significant to the need to justify the use of it.  The most valid ideals will relate to the real world in which we all actually work and play.   And The Truth Which Does Not Go Away is the indispensable Fact of the Matter that when the NSA proposes to open your personal files you are going to want to prevent it, no matter what political party or program you claim to support the rest of the time.


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