I've just unsubscribed from cypherpunks

Steve Willer willer at carolian.com
Fri Feb 16 02:09:30 PST 1996

On Wed, 14 Feb 1996 07:33:29 -0500, you wrote:

>Normally, when people post notices proclaiming "Jim, I'm putting you in
>my killfile" or "I can't take it, you've ruined this list, I'm leaving!"
>I think it's among the worst kind of petty egotism.

I don't understand what the issue is. I used to use procmail for my
filtering, and it worked fine with Pine (although it would have been
nice to thread my mailing lists). Now, I use Forte's Agent, which
gives me a newsgroup-like access to mail folders _and_ auto-filtering.
So I have no problem with the mailing list -- if I want to ignore a
thread, I just don't look at it. I also filter out all subscribe and
unsubscribe requests into a "Bozos" mailing list, and I can easily
ignore "I'm leaving" style messages by not looking at them and letting
them go away on the next purge.

If you don't know how to use the right tools, or you are not able to,
or you aren't willing to, I fail to see how the members of the list
are at fault. The people at fault are, respectively, you, your
employer, and you.

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