Spin Control Alert (LI Newsday, 2/12/96)

jamesd at echeque.com jamesd at echeque.com
Thu Feb 15 05:40:41 PST 1996

jamesd at echeque.com:
>> While the religious right clearly supported the push to regulate the
>> internet, the main push seemed to me to come from the existing mass
>> media, primarily the three big TV channels.

At 02:09 PM 2/14/96 -0500, Declan B. McCullagh wrote:
>The religious right did not *support* the "push to regulate the
>Internet" -- they drafted, defended, and pushed through the damn CDA!


Name this Christian rightist who drafted or defended the CDA!

The primary anti porn activists involved in the effort to regulate the net
were Donna Reed, and Marty Rimm, neither of whom are members of the Christian 
right, and Bill Arms, who is not only not a member of the Christian right,
but who in additon is a PC academic.

While their campaigns received assistance, encouragement, and free labor
from the Christian right, it was not the Christian right that enabled these
people to exercise the disproportionate power and influence that they did.

It was not the Christian right that obtained totally undeserved publicity 
for Rimm's spurious findings.

Rimm's study had connections both with the right and the left, but the real
question is where the big muscle came from.  If the big muscle came from
the Christian right they would have let us know by now, because they always
tend to exaggerate their influence and power.

While the effort to regulate the net had *links* to the Christian right, it
is simply untrue to say that it was composed of the Christian right, or even
to say that the Christian right played a significant role in the effort.  Their
role is scarcely visible.  They were minor foot soldiers.

We have the right to defend ourselves	|   http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   jamesd at echeque.com

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