Ben T. Moore "Mr. Anonymous"

hochiminh at hochiminh at
Thu Feb 15 05:07:47 PST 1996

<<<<Quoting Ben T. "Mr. Anonymous" Moore to Karl>>>>

BTM> Well Karl, It seems I missed your idea/solution in this post, however, some of 
BTM> us figured this out some years ago... I begin a campaign almost 10 years ago 
BTM> of feeding the computers false information about myself. I never use the Social
BTM> Insecurity Number assigned to me... I don't even give it to the Bank. This makes
BTM> for some rather dicey situations. I rarely use my real name or give out my real
BTM> phone number. At this point in my life... I have *NO* credit history. I currently 
BTM> have *NO* bank account. My goal is to be completely invisible to the system.
BTM> Yes I have had a few glitches in this plan from time to time... but I continue to 
BTM> work on it.

Well, Mr. Anonymous, let's see how well YOU have used your own advice.  With
just a little effort using WEB search engines available to everyone on the net I
have found the following:

Yes you have no credit history, at least not a positive history and you have no bank
account.  However, these "accomplishments" were not the result of your "goal" to be "invisible to the system".  You have a credit history, a VERY poor one.  This and the fact that you have no bank account stems from the fact that you are a deadbeat not some cyber-hero looking to "drop-out" of the system.  You are approximately $13,000.00 behind in child support.  In fact a search of the records available to the general public reveals you were recently arrested for failure to pay child support.  A fund rasing campaign was instituted in several USENET and FIDONET newsgroups to raise your bail when your attorney-employer abandoned you in jail.  In fact you have been arrested several times in the last 12 months for some rather abberant behavior.

Let me list the things I have been able to find out about you:

1) You are an African-American Male, age 36.

2) You live in Indianapolis, Indiana.

3) You are the on-again off-again bodyguard for Militia-Patriot attorney Ms. Linda         Thompson and was with her when she was arrested (again)12-23-95.

4) You were arrested for attempting to smuggle weapons (bullets?) into the Indianapolis     County Jail 07-22-95.

5) You are about 6'4" tall and weigh 260#.

6) You also use the IRC name "Shaka".

7)  You are a deabeat dad being $13,000.00 in arrears in child support.

8)  You recovered some property for Ms. Thompson and filed a Police Report
     # 9531780A.

9)  You wrote a letter to the editor in the Indianapolis Post Spotlight lamenting you "child      support" woes.  Pathetic, very pathetic.

So while you are off being a cool anonymous dude the rest of us are paying for the AFDC you ex-wife has to use to feed the kids.  How do you justify an internet account while being $13,000.00 in arrears on child support?  You are a disgrace to your race, the Militia-Patriot movement and men in general.

BTM> I just have never felt warm and fuzzy knowing that any government agency,
BTM> business, or whoever can get my personal information off a computer could come
BTM> knock on my door some dark night. If you're interested in fortifying your privacy,
BTM> I can give you a few pointers.

BTM> 1.) Go to your local DMV and inform them you've had a change of address. I
BTM>      selected a high rise apartment building with 15 floors and selected an address
BTM>      on a non-existant 23rd floor. Getting your Driver's License address changed
BTM>      should cost less than $10.00.

This is a violation of Indiana Code but breaking the law is of no concern to you, huh?

BTM> 2.) Go find a company like "Mail Boxes Etc." and rent a mailbox. The cost is
BTM>      nominal compared to the added privacy and security. The distinction between
BTM>      a mailbox and a Post Office Box is with a mailbox you have an actual street
BTM>      address. You can receive deliveries from UPS and Federal Express at a 
BTM>      mailbox. You can't at a P.O. Box.

BTM> 3.) This part requires some skill... befriending a graphic artist is a good idea for 
BTM>      this one. But what you need is a phony work identification.  Pick a name! A 
BTM>      couple of "Pass Port Photos" and some lamination and you're good to go.

This is a violation of Indiana and Federal Laws depending on how they are used.

BTM> 4.) Take your new persona down to your local utility companies and get the serv-
BTM>      ice switched to the name of your new persona. Even get your phone switched
BTM>      and have the number non-published. You'll be pleasantly surprised from now
BTM>      on, everytime your phone rings, it will be someone you really want to talk to.

Another violation of Indiana Code

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