[NOISE] Re: The Internet Party

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Thu Feb 15 04:35:08 PST 1996

At 01:01 PM 2/14/96 -0800, Brian D Williams <talon57 at well.com> wrote:
>If I see one more ad for some dumb ass 
>politician running for president I'm going to puke.
><bright idea!>
>Say, why not pick our own candidate?
>Why not form our own Party?
>The Internet party........
Because there's way too little for us to agree on outside of
Internet issues; it's like forming the Pro- or Anti- Abortion Party,
or the Womens' Party or whatever.

>It would be the ultimate write in campaign.
>Now all we need is a candidate who stands for free speech, personal
>privacy and the right to encrypt.......
>"I nominate John Perry Barlow. Who will second the nomination?"

For a write-in candidate, you don't _need_ a second.  Just put it
in your .signature file and see what happens.  On the other hand,
John's a Republican, and they desparately need _somebody_ as a candidate :-)
#				Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at ix.netcom.com / billstewart at attmail.com +1-415-442-2215
# http://www.idiom.com/~wcs     Pager +1-408-787-1281

! Frank Zappa for President !

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