Subject lines?

Rich Graves llurch at
Wed Feb 14 21:07:03 PST 1996

Me too! It has happened a few times before. Actually, all headers save 
Sender: are being trashed.

I'd thought it was an interaction problem with deliver, our local MTA. 
Or maybe it is, if you use deliver too. Please share experiences *in 
private email*.

The messages on news:// do have subject 
lines, so at least some messages are leaving OK. I think it's 
our problem.


On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, Clay Olbon II wrote:

> Ok, has everyone forgotten to use a subject line today, or is there a
> problem with  Every message I received today that was dated 14
> Feb (except one - from "E. ALLEN SMITH" <EALLENSMITH at ocelot.Rutgers.EDU>)
> had no subject and no from line (other than cypherpunks).  This includes
> messages from Perry and Jim Bell.
>         Clay
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Clay Olbon II            | olbon at
> Systems Engineer         | ph: (810) 589-9930 fax 9934
> Dynetics, Inc., Ste 302  |
> 550 Stephenson Hwy       | PGP262 public key: finger olbon at
> Troy, MI 48083-1109      | pgp print: B97397AD50233C77523FD058BD1BB7C0
>     "To escape the evil curse, you must quote a bible verse; thou
>      shalt not ... Doooh" - Homer (Simpson, not the other one)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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