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owner-cypherpunks at owner-cypherpunks at
Wed Feb 14 04:17:32 PST 1996


At 07:28 PM 2/13/96 -0500, Rich Salz wrote:
>Okay, so how the hell did Microsoft get export approval for this? I mean,
>this is the classic crypto-with-a-hole; a service-provider interface (SPI)
>with DLL's means "plug your crypto here".  This is usually considered an
>"anciliary" device in ITAR language, and therefore export controlled.  I
>mean, how long until you see MSWord with "full privacy" option?
>Word I've heard is that the office of Export Control has had a lot of
>turnover and "nobody knows anything" anymore. 

At the risk of blowing my usual horn, I would argue that one advantage in 
vocal, common, and loudly hostile talk against government is that they have 
begun to understand how unhappy we are with them.  To make an analogy with 
late-1700's France,  the sound of a guillotine being tested probably had a 
remarkable effect on the upper strata of their society; likewise, dicussions 
of how we can all chip in and bump off the whole lot of the bastards might 
remind a few of they key government players that they are not immune from 
eventual retribution.  Resulting in "a lot of turnover."

If we make a "reasonable assumption" that most of those government employees 
aren't stupid, and they discover that the prospect for Crypto-Anarchy 
(trademark owned by Tim May?) is good, it seems reasonable to assume that 
they'll want to avoid being around when THE END comes for their employer.

Jim Bell

Klaatu Burada Nikto

Version: 2.6.2


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