Stealth PGP work

Johnathan Corgan jcorgan at
Wed Feb 14 01:15:37 PST 1996

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996 lmccarth at wrote:

> Is anyone out there actively working on an implementation of the "stealth 
> PGP" concept ?  I asked Derek Atkins about a stealth mode in the upcoming 
> PGP `96 ^H^H^H 3.0 at the Jan. Bay Area physical mtg, and he said the PGP3
> team had no particular plans to support such a thing. 

When asked, he also indicated that the PGP 3.0 message formats would be 
embedded into the API in such a way that it would not be possible to use 
the library to generate or process stealth.  Of course, you could always 
strip the unstealthy data out as you would with PGP 2.x, but that doesn't 
help on the receiving end.

Johnathan M. Corgan
jcorgan at

"One should realize, of course, that whether Crypto Anarchy
prevails depends not upon the varied philosophical leanings of
citizen-units May and Denning, but rather upon whether our
mathematics is more powerful than their jackbooted thugs."

                                                -Mike Duvos

(seemed appropriate :)

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