uh oh, mutation time?

Judith Milhon stjude at well.com
Tue Feb 13 21:01:30 PST 1996

Electronic Guerrillas: Resisting Net Censorship

"Don't black out YOUR website.  Black out THEIRS"

        Hassan I Sirius


This is an invitation to join a public forum on the World Wide Web on
resisting internet censorship.  By now, you have all heard about the
Communications Decency Act and you know, or should know, the scope of this
law.  This discussion will revolve around active resistance to this law;
routing around it, on-line uncivil disobedience, pranking, hacking, and
otherwise fucking with the Net Cops.  And ordinary political organizing need
not be excluded.

Electronic Guerrillas:  Resisting Net Censorship is a topic within a Forum
called Kulchur Wars.  Kulchur Wars is a Forum that is part of The Mutate
Forum.  The Mutate Forum is a part of the website "THE MUTATE PROJECT."  THE
MUTATE PROJECT is an outgrowth of the book "How to Mutate & Take Over the
World" by R. U. Sirius, St. Jude & The Internet 21.  

While we'd planned to officially open THE MUTATE PROJECT in mid-February,
we've decided to open up the forum TODAY, in response to the passage of this

Don't worry.  It's easy to open up this Chinese box.  

Just go to
click on 
Mutate Forum
Read your induction papers
Click on 
Join a Cool Conspiracy
Kulchur Wars
add your posting to the string entitled Electronic Guerrillas: Resisting Net

Feel free to post in the other topics
start your own
or to poke around in the scaffolding of THE MUTATE PROJECT
but remember that it's STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION

see you there

R. U. Sirius
Sirius Communications

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