The Emotional Killer (or out of the frying pan and into the electric chair?)

Bruce Baugh bruce at
Mon Feb 12 18:31:35 PST 1996

This is off-topic; anyone wanting to follow up on it, e-mail me on the side.

At 11:59 PM 2/11/96 -0500, tallpaul at (tallpaul) wrote:

>This and other posts by J. Bell and other lib'bers 

Jim Bell is pretty much exactly as relevant to libertarian thought as Lyndon
LaRouche is to Democratic thought - that is, he's a crank, whom we prefer to
ignore where possible. I, for one, filter his messages straight to Eudora's
Trash mailbox.

If you want to sample a different variety of libertarianism, check out the
URL in my sig file and look at the Christlib list. Or, for that matter,
simply leaf through REASON and LIBERTY magazine, and note the variety of
folks actually _doing_ things that promote "human freedom for everyone" as
well as talking about it.

It's not as much fun as ad hominem, I admit, but in the long run I think
it's more useful.

Bruce Baugh
bruce at

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