Put the Protest where your money is.

Ray Arachelian sunder at dorsai.dorsai.org
Mon Feb 12 13:40:28 PST 1996

Here's an idea that come up while I and a good friend were in a well 
intoxicated and creative mood...

Every dollar you spend, be it a 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 denomination 
bill, write in a speech bubble to the president dude in the center, 
which says "I oppose the CDA.  Exon sucks.  Exon fornicates with 
male farm animals.  CDA Is unconstitutional, I roll in my grave over 
the CDA, etc."

Be creative; use the memo field in any checks you write to do the same.  
Money is the one element that travels from hand to hand to hand to hand.  
It is a network as extensitve as the internet itself, and even more so.

Let your money speak for you!  Put your url on the bill, or the url to 
the eff (http://mirrors.yahoo.com/eff/speech.html) or the Voter's Telecom 
Watch (http://www.vtw.org/)

Leave your pages black until this damnable blemish on our rights is 

 + ^ + |  Ray Arachelian |Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness|  _ |>
  \|/  |sunder at dorsai.org|is cleanliness  and cleanliness is god-|  \ |
<--+-->|                 |liness and god is empty,  just like me,|   \|
  /|\  |    Just Say     |intoxicated  with the maddness,  I'm in|   <|\
 + v + | "No" to the NSA!|love with my sadness.   (Pumpkins/Zero)|   <| n

[This Bible excerpt awaiting review under the Communications Decency Act]
And then Lot said, "I have some mighty fine young virgin daughters. Why
don't you boys just come on in and do em right here in my house - I'll just
watch!"....Later, up in the mountains, the younger daughter said. "Dad's
getting old. I say we should do him." So the two daughters got him drunk and
did him all that night. Sure enough, Dad got em pregnant....Onan really
hated the idea of doing his brother's wife and getting her pregnant while
his brother got all the credit, so he whacked off first....Remember, it's
not a good idea to have sex with your sister, your brother, your parents,
your pet dog, or the farm animals. [excerpts from the Old Testament, Modern
Vernacular Translation, TCM, 1996] 

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