Strange Sounds of Silence

Jon Lasser jlasser at
Mon Feb 12 12:38:27 PST 1996

On Sat, 10 Feb 1996, Sten Drescher wrote:

> AP> Has anyone else out there noticed the strange sounds of silence
> AP> emmanating from the american print and broadcast media concerning
> AP> the rider attached to the Telecommunications Act recently signed
> AP> by President Clinton known as the CDA (Communications Decency
> AP> Act)?
> 	Um, no.  I heard about it on CNN, NBC, and the San Antonio
> Express-News (in a New York Times Service article), the only
> non-online news sources I routinely check.  It appears to me that the
> sounds of silence are the only ones you want to hear.

Well, in the Washington Post story on the communications bill, (large 
though I don't remember how large... front page, more in the back), there 
were an entire two sentances about the Exon/CDA provisions.

Jon Lasser
Jon Lasser                <jlasser at>            (410)494-3072 
          Visit my home page at
  You have a friend at the NSA: Big Brother is watching. Finger for PGP key.

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