Reasons in support of crypto-anarchy WAS Re: Why am I (fwd)

jim bell jimbell at
Sat Feb 10 23:24:50 PST 1996

At 05:01 PM 2/9/96 EDT, E. ALLEN SMITH wrote:
>	Whoops. I didn't mean to send that one to the list (re: ethics of
>assasination). Sorry. I am still trying to decide on whether other discussions
>of the non-Crypto aspects of Assasination Politics are appropriate; I would
>appreciate mail back from Perry in response to my email to him.
>	Sorry again,
>	-Allen

If Perry is REALLY sincere about objecting to the NON-crypto part of AsPol,
he should demonstrate this by writing notes which are focussing on the
crypto aspects, rather than just complaining.

Jim Bell

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