[silly] Re: OK, how *do* you spell it?

Dr. Dimitri Vulis dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Feb 10 12:50:32 PST 1996

Alan Olsen <alano at teleport.com> writes:
> At 11:58 AM 2/10/96 -0500, Robert Hettinga wrote:
> >I got a spelling ping this morning.
> >
> >I'd never really thought about it, before.
> >
> >Is it infocalypse or infoclypse?
> It is Infocalypso.
> Infocalypso is a new dance involving laptops.  It is similar to clog
> dancing, except the laptops are hit together in a rhythmic fashion while a
> lively beat is played on magnetic drums.  It is usually found in countrys
> which have alot of spare laptops.  It was made popular during certain MIT
> social gatherings and EFF meetings. The dance has gotten more and more
> violent as the speed of laptops have increased.

Could someone please point out to me the crypto-relevance of this nonsense,
if any?

Thank you.


Dr. Dimitri Vulis
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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