CDA; Don't get mad, get even!

lunaslide at lunaslide at
Fri Feb 9 19:34:01 PST 1996

>I think that we should make an example of those responsible for the
>CDA. Ignorance is really not an excuse here, because whoever voted for
>for the bill should have known the CDA was attached to it, and should
>have had some idea of what it did.
>Lets get a list of whos supporting this thing and bad press them back
>before the dawn of time.

Here's the votes from the Senate.  I'll look for the House and get back.

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Senate Response on the CDA (Communications Decency Act)
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Urgent news
The Senate has passed the Communications Decency Act.  The vote
breakdown is below.

The tally of the 6/14/95 vote on the Communications Decency Act

Senators who voted to defeat the Communications Decency Act
(A polite letter to congratulate them for defending your free speech
 rights would be appropriate.)

      D ST Name (Party)               Phone           Fax
      = == ==================         ==============  ==============
      D CT Lieberman, Joseph I.       1-202-224-4041  1-202-224-9750
      D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R.       1-202-224-5042  1-202-224-0139
      D IL Simon, Paul                1-202-224-2152  1-202-224-0868
                                        senator at
      D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol       1-202-224-2854  1-202-224-2626
      D MA Kennedy, Edward M.         1-202-224-4543  1-202-224-2417
                                        senator at
      D MI Levin, Carl                1-202-224-6221  na
      D MN Wellstone, Paul            1-202-224-5641  1-202-224-8438
      D NM Bingaman, Jeff             1-202-224-5521  na
                                        Senator_Bingaman at
      D NY Moynihan, Daniel P.        1-202-224-4451  na
      D OH Glenn, John                1-202-224-3353  1-202-224-7983
      R RI Chafee, John H.            1-202-224-2921  na
      D VA Robb, Charles S.           1-202-224-4024  1-202-224-8689
                                        Senator_Robb at
                                        vascr at
      D VT Leahy, Patrick J.          1-202-224-4242  1-202-224-3595
                                        senator_leahy at
      R VT Jeffords, James M.         1-202-224-5141  na
      D WA Murray, Patty              1-202-224-2621  1-202-224-0238
      D WI Feingold, Russell          1-202-224-5323  na
                                        russell_feingold at

Senators who voted to support the (CDA) Communications Decency Act
(They voted for the CDA and to curtail your free speech rights.
 Writing them an impolite and nasty letter would be a bad idea, and
 may soon be illegal under the CDA anyway.  Take some time to cool down.)

      D ST Name (Party)               Phone           Fax
      = == ==================         ==============  ==============
      R AK Murkowski, Frank H.        1-202-224-6665  1-202-224-5301
      R AK Stevens, Ted               1-202-224-3004  1-202-224-1044
      D AL Heflin, Howell T.          1-202-224-4124  1-202-224-3149
      R AL Shelby, Richard C.         1-202-224-5744  1-202-224-3416
      D AR Bumpers, Dale              1-202-224-4843  1-202-224-6435
      D AR Pryor, David               1-202-224-2353  1-202-224-8261
      R AZ Kyl, Jon                   1-202-224-4521  1-202-228-1239
      R AZ McCain, John               1-202-224-2235  1-602-952-8702
      D CA Boxer, Barbara             1-202-224-3553  na
      D CA Feinstein, Dianne          1-202-224-3841  1-202-228-3954
      R CO Campbell, Ben N.           1-202-224-5852  1-202-225-0228
      R CO Brown, Henry               1-202-224-5941  1-202-224-6471
      D CT Dodd, Christopher J.       1-202-224-2823  na
      R DE Roth Jr.  William V.       1-202-224-2441  1-202-224-2805
      D FL Graham, Robert             1-202-224-3041  1-202-224-2237
      R FL Mack, Connie               1-202-224-5274  1-202-224-8022
      D GA Nunn, Samuel               1-202-224-3521  1-202-224-0072
      R GA Coverdell, Paul            1-202-224-3643  1-202-228-3783
      D HI Akaka, Daniel K.           1-202-224-6361  1-202-224-2126
      D HI Inouye, Daniel K.          1-202-224-3934  1-202-224-6747
      D IA Harkin, Thomas             1-202-224-3254  1-202-224-7431
      R IA Grassley, Charles E.       1-202-224-3744  1-202-224-6020
      R ID Craig, Larry E.            1-202-224-2752  1-202-224-2573
      R ID Kempthorne, Dirk           1-202-224-6142  1-202-224-5893
      R IN Coats, Daniel R.           1-202-224-5623  1-202-224-8964
      R IN Lugar, Richard G.          1-202-224-4814  1-202-224-7877
      R KS Dole, Robert               1-202-224-6521  1-202-224-8952
      R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L.        1-202-224-4774  1-202-224-3514
      D KY Ford, Wendell H.           1-202-224-4343  1-202-224-0046
      R KY McConnell, Mitch           1-202-224-2541  1-202-224-2499
      D LA Breaux, John B.            1-202-224-4623  na
      D LA Johnston, J. Bennett       1-202-224-5824  1-202-224-2952
      D MA Kerry, John F.             1-202-224-2742  1-202-224-8525
      D MD Mikulski, Barbara A.       1-202-224-4654  1-202-224-8858
      D MD Sarbanes, Paul S.          1-202-224-4524  1-202-224-1651
      R ME Snowe, Olympia             1-202-224-5344  1-202-224-6853
      R ME Cohen, William S.          1-202-224-2523  1-202-224-2693
      R MI Abraham, Spencer           1-202-224-4822  1-202-224-8834
      R MN Grams, Rod                 1-202-224-3244  na
      R MO Bond, Christopher S.       1-202-224-5721  1-202-224-8149
      R MO Ashcroft, John             1-202-224-6154  na
      R MS Cochran, Thad              1-202-224-5054  1-202-224-3576
      R MS Lott, Trent                1-202-224-6253  1-202-224-2262
      D MT Baucus, Max                1-202-224-2651  na
      R MT Burns, Conrad R.           1-202-224-2644  1-202-224-8594
      R NC Faircloth, D. M.           1-202-224-3154  1-202-224-7406
      R NC Helms, Jesse               1-202-224-6342  1-202-224-7588
      D ND Conrad, Kent               1-202-224-2043  1-202-224-7776
      D ND Dorgan, Byron L.           1-202-224-2551  1-202-224-1193
      D NE Kerrey, Bob                1-202-224-6551  1-202-224-7645
      D NE Exon, J. J.                1-202-224-4224  1-202-224-5213
      R NH Gregg, Judd                1-202-224-3324  1-202-224-4952
      R NH Smith, Robert              1-202-224-2841  1-202-224-1353
      D NJ Bradley, William           1-202-224-3224  1-202-224-8567
      D NJ Lautenberg, Frank R.       1-202-224-4744  1-202-224-9707
      R NM Domenici, Pete V.          1-202-224-6621  1-202-224-7371
      D NV Bryan, Richard H.          1-202-224-6244  1-202-224-1867
      D NV Reid, Harry                1-202-224-3542  1-202-224-7327
      R NY D'Amato, Alfonse M.        1-202-224-6542  1-202-224-5871
      R OH Dewine, Michael            1-202-224-2315  1-202-224-6519
      R OK Inhofe, James              1-202-224-4721
      R OK Nickles, Donald            1-202-224-5754  1-202-224-6008
      R OR Hatfield, Mark O.          1-202-224-3753  1-202-224-0276
      R OR Packwood, Robert           1-202-224-5244  1-202-228-3576
      R PA Santorum, Rick             1-202-224-6324  na
      R PA Specter, Arlen             1-202-224-4254  1-717-782-4920
      D RI Pell, Claiborne            1-202-224-4642  1-202-224-4680
      D SC Hollings, Ernest F.        1-202-224-6121  1-202-224-4293
      R SC Thurmond, Strom            1-202-224-5972  1-202-224-1300
      D SD Daschle, Thomas A.         1-202-224-2321  1-202-224-2047
      R SD Pressler, Larry            1-202-224-5842  1-202-224-1259*
      R TN Thompson, Fred             1-202-224-4944  1-202-228-3679
      R TN Frist, Bill                1-202-224-3344  1-202-224-8062
      R TX Hutchison, Kay Bailey      1-202-224-5922  1-202-224-0776
      R TX Gramm, Phil                1-202-224-2934  1-202-228-2856
      R UT Bennett, Robert            1-202-224-5444  1-202-224-6717
      R UT Hatch, Orrin G.            1-202-224-5251  1-202-224-6331
      R VA Warner, John W.            1-202-224-2023  1-202-224-6295
      R WA Gorton, Slade              1-202-224-3441  1-202-224-9393
      D WI Kohl, Herbert H.           1-202-224-5653  1-202-224-9787
      D WV Byrd, Robert C.            1-202-224-3954  1-202-224-4025
      D WV Rockefeller, John D.       1-202-224-6472  na
      R WY Simpson, Alan K.           1-202-224-3424  1-202-224-1315
      R WY Thomas, Craig              1-202-224-6441  1-202-224-3230

Voters Telecommunications Watch / vtw at



On the meridian of time there is no injustice, only the poetry of motion
creating the illusion of truth and drama.
                                                Henry Miller

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