CDA Yes Votes; Collection

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Fri Feb 9 11:50:32 PST 1996

At 10:10 PM 2/8/96 +0000, Tim Cook wrote:
>Find out if yours ( or any ) representative or senator voted for the 
>CDA.  Send me email with the subject CDA-YES.  Put their name and 
>where they are from in the body. I'll compile the list and post it.
>When this is over they'll wish they realized how powerful the 
>internet REALLY is.

Most of those voting against the Telecoms Bill did so because they were
against the dereg provisions not the CDA.  Most of those who voted for it
favored the general technical provisions.  Most who thought about the CDA
and still voted for the bill decided to let the courts handle the
unconstitutional provisions because "federal judges don't have to stand for
election."  Political retaliation is useless in the face of a 90% yes vote.

If you are deeply upset by the high-handed manner in which the legislature
has screwed around with your life, welcome to the club.  Every bill they
pass and every regulation upsets someone just as badly as you are upset.
That is why some of us want less legislation and less regulation to minimize
just this sort of human suffering.  Maybe next time those of you who are
into "proactive" government will think before you crush other people's lives.


"Par Example -- I hate the Pure Food and Drug Act and the FDA just as much
as I hate the CDA.  Both are utterly evil."

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