Fair Credit Reporting Act and Privacy Act

Bill Stewart stewarts at ix.netcom.com
Fri Feb 9 18:29:04 PST 1996

At 06:28 AM 2/9/96 -0500, Duncan wrote, regarding the appallingly
invasive British Privacy Act:

>Computer bureaux which process personal data for others or allow data users
>to process personal data on their computers must also register. Their
>register entries will contain only their name and address.
>Data users and computer bureaux who should register but do not, are
>committing a criminal offence, as are those operating outside the
>descriptions contained in their register entries. In these cases the
>Registrar regularly prosecutes. The penalty for non-registration can be a
>fine of up to £5,000 plus costs in the Magistrates Courts, or an unlimited
>fine in the Higher Courts."

Ouch - does this mean that if you offer shell accounts, you either have
to contractually limit the processing your users may do, or be fined
as a criminal for not registering?

#				Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at ix.netcom.com / billstewart at attmail.com +1-415-442-2215
# http://www.idiom.com/~wcs

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