Report available: "Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers"

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 8 10:16:11 PST 1996

> want you to only use 90 bits for your keys and why they've never heard
> of PGP...
> Anyone who listens to crypto advice from people who's purpose in life
> is to listen to *YOU* gets what they deserve. I'll stay with PGP which
> has a 2048 bit key.

The 90-bit key length is for secret key ciphers, not public key
ciphers.  There is a conversion metric for public key ciphers based
upon the difficulty of breaking the cipher.

For example, a 1024 bit RSA key is about 85 bits of security, which is
below the 90-bit limit they are proposing.  The 90-bits of security
does not mean you are limited to a 90-bit RSA key.


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