Fax Fools US Espionage

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Wed Feb 7 02:47:08 PST 1996

Anonymous writes:
> "Foolproof" Encrypted Fax System

More like "system created by fools"

> The encryption system, meanwhile, uses a proprietary, but
> open systems standard of encryption,

I love the doublespeak..

> using a one-time
> passkey, which is transmitted by the sending fax device
> in a secure manner.

How can a one-time pad be transmitted securely? Sounds like crap to
me. Anyone know details?

> "This contrasts with the French/German system which is
> based on RSA's private and public key system. That system
> is flawed, since it relies on the US Government licensing
> a manufacturer to use the algorithm,

I'm sure Jim Bidzos would be amused to hear that.


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