paper on remailers in the intelligence community

Greg Broiles gbroiles at
Wed Feb 7 00:30:23 PST 1996

At 12:37 AM 2/7/96 -0800, Tim May wrote:

>Strassman is a regular columnist for "Computerworld" and a member of
>various advisory councils (including a conspiracy-feeding thing called the
>"EC World Council"). He was a bigshot in the DOD, works for the
>"Information Warfare" folks (the much-hyped new area generating so many
>conferences), and has all sorts of ties to the mil-info complex. An Alta
>Vista search on the string "Paul A. Strassmann" is revealing.

Ah. A feeble attempt to deflect attention from your own cooperation with the
Grey aliens and their boot-licking military-industrial-complex errand boys.
Even more revealing is an Alta Vista search for

"timothy c. may" and "william marlow"

Now you'll probably claim that you've never met Marlow or Strassman. Sure.
We know what you're up to. You're not fooling us, Medusa. :)

"The anchored mind screwed into me by the psycho-  | Greg Broiles
lubricious thrust of heaven is the one that thinks | gbroiles at
every temptation, every desire, every inhibition." | 
	-- Antonin Artaud		   	   | 

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