FV has 91 day lag between sales and payment

Nathaniel Borenstein nsb at nsb.fv.com
Tue Feb 6 04:11:25 PST 1996

Excerpts from mail.cypherpunks: 31-Jan-96 FV has 91 day lag between s..
Vincent Cate at offshore.co (4108*)

> The FV 90 day lag is their main downside in my opinion (though defaulting
> to not paying if the customer does not answer email is another problem). 
> So FV does not take any risk at all - and a merchant has to have enough
> extra capital to let 3 months worth of sales sit at FV. Some ideas for
> ways that they or someone else could improve on this: 

Actually, we've gotten approval from our banking partners to waive the
holding time entirely for customers who fill out an application and win
the bank's approval.  We're working on the technical and logistical
aspects of this right now.  -- Nathaniel

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