Marshall McLuhan and encryption...

Jean-Francois Avon JFA Technologies, QC, Canada jf_avon at
Mon Feb 5 11:00:25 PST 1996

>  Nick's a big shot at Wired magazine.  So it should be no surprise 
>  to learn that Wired attacked cypherpunks in its 01 96 issue.  In 
>  a fake interview with "Wired's patron saint," Marshall McLuhan is 
>  made to say (p 130): 
>    Concerns about privacy and anonymity are outdated. Cypherpunks 
>    think they are rebels with a cause, but they are really senti- 
>    mentalists. 

Well, maybe McL. would have spit such nonsense, very characteristical of him.

"The media is the message" is among the biggests con jobs performed on humanity.
It's like having a guy dying form thirst and telling him: "The pipe is the beverage"...

One fine example of the destruction of reason.

If a PGP encrypted message was sent to Mr.McLuhan, could he see if it is a
"there is a contract on you..." or "happy new year" or "I love you..."

To any Cypherpunks, the media *IS NOT* the message!

Dear Wired peoples and Mr. McLuhan: get lost!

>    The era of politics based on private identities, anonymous indi- 
>    viduals, and independent citizens began with the French Revolution 
>    and Napoleon's armies...and ended with Hitler....  The cypherpunks 
>    are still marching to the same martial music. 

     He is partially right.  With Renaissance, came the idea that Reason and human mind 
were powerfull and that knowledge, because man's only survival tool is reason, is a value 
to pursue.  

But french revolution did not convey theses ideas, neither
did Napoleon.  And Hitler definitely not.   
All of the three were, ultimately, collectivists or looters.

Therefore, the author of the text is guilty of setting up straw man and of
context blanking.

Reality Is.  Existence exists.  Words have a precise meaning.  $

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