[NOISE] Sound bites re the Zundel German censorship thing (fwd)

Timothy C. May tcmay at got.net
Sun Feb 4 19:38:55 PST 1996

At 2:05 AM 2/5/96, Rich Graves wrote:

>Sorry if you get duplicate copies, but I agree with Tim that mailing list
>cross-pollution is bad.
>*Not* for broader redistribution, because they deserve privacy, but
>illustrative for, say, certain knee-jerk anti-PC forces here, is the fact
>that the two people who run webcom.com (Bcc'd) have been reported to be:
>1. Grandson of a Holocaust victim
>2. Activist with PEN and Amnesty International
>I think we're all on the right side here, and for all the right reasons.

Thanks, Rich!

I really think the Wiesenthal Center and whatnot could really make some
good points, and gain new friends, by PUTTING THE HOLOCAUST DENIAL CRAP ON

Yes, an extreme step. But think of what it would say?


[This Bible excerpt awaiting review under the Communications Decency Act]
And then Lot said, "I have some mighty fine young virgin daughters. Why
don't you boys just come on in and do em right here in my house - I'll just
watch!"....Later, up in the mountains, the younger daughter said. "Dad's
getting old. I say we should do him." So the two daughters got him drunk and
did him all that night. Sure enough, Dad got em pregnant....Onan really
hated the idea of doing his brother's wife and getting her pregnant while
his brother got all the credit, so he whacked off first....Remember, it's
not a good idea to have sex with your sister, your brother, your parents,
your pet dog, or the farm animals. [excerpts from the Old Testament, Modern
Vernacular Translation, TCM, 1996]

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