Protecting the innocent on the nets

A. Padgett Peterson, P.E. Information Security PADGETT at
Sun Feb 4 18:03:24 PST 1996

About a year ago I came up with a mechanism to allow subscription or
controlled circulation magazines to be distributed on the net. Not
saying is new, just was new to me. Seems like it would be a mechanism
for anyone to communicate/access Web pages without crypto, yet allowing
protection of such things from those requiring such protection.

Concept works like this: LZ (or most other) compressed files have two 
elements - a data dictionary and ordered pointers to that dictionary.

Now say you took a large number of text files/.Gifs/.Jpegs/whatever and
created a universal (well nearly) data dictionary that would fit on a 
CD-Rom. Using large patterns and good ordering techniques could achieve
good throughput.

Now to a group of subscribers/friends/whatever, the disk is distributed
in a controlled manner.

Once distribution is made, then what is sent on the net/put on the Web
page are just the pointers to the data dictionary plus any patterns not
in the dictionary (low enough not to create anything intelligable).

What you have is a gigantic book code with a copyrightable book for which
you can control the circulation. Those under age need not apply. If they
obtain one, then it was illegally and you have made a "good faith attempt"
IMNSLO to protect the innocent.

Can even change the CD-Rom dictionary *order* yearly/montly/whatever if
you want.

Comment ?

ps if you reply to the list, *please* do not copy me, my volume is silly
   enough without getting duplicates as it is.

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