[FLAME] Concerning Jim Bell

Dr. Dimitri Vulis dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sun Feb 4 17:49:03 PST 1996


Alan Olsen <alano at teleport.com> writes:
> It has been brought to my attention that I did not make this as
> clear as it should be.

Alan, you've indicated previously that you won't post anything more on this
subject to cypherpunks at toad.com.

>         I consider Mr. Bell to be a crank and a loon.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. You might be interested to know that
I consider Jim Bell to be highly intelligent, knowledgeable, and overall nice
person. I'm particularly impressed by his calm and restrained response to your
provocations. I've also formed a rather negative opinion of you, based on your
actions in this incident.

>         He has no interest in any sort of honest discussion.

I can say with confidence that no one on this cp list has any interest in
the flame war that you're trying to drag in here, nor in a discussion of Jim's
views that are not crypto-related. You apparently tried and failed to start a
discussion of Jim's non-crypto-related views in this forum, which no one really
gives a rat's ass about. Honest or dishonest, the discussion of Jim's political
views has nothing to do with encryption.

>         He wishes to draw in others in the hope of "punishing
> me".

You're punishing yourself by destroying your credibility and carrying on this
silly flame war. You've kicked Jim off of "your" mailing list, pushing the
flame war that you've started to this list. I don't appreciate this.

> - From now on, I am ignoring all of his posts and "killfiling"
> him.

Jim is already ignoring you. So should everyone else. Please stick to your
promise. So far, you've posted several times more on this subject than Jim.


Dr. Dimitri Vulis
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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