
Steven L Baur steve at
Fri Feb 2 17:41:27 PST 1996

>>>>> "Tim" == Timothy C May <tcmay at> writes:

Tim> At 9:46 PM 2/2/96, bjohnson at wrote:

>> I keep hearing references to 'proxies' as a method of anonymity.
>> The only information that I've been able to find, deals with
>> firewalls on networked systems.
>> Are 'proxies' applicable to personal PCs using browsers, such as
>> Netscape?

Proxies aren't any use towards anonymity on a single user system.
They can be very useful on a network, regardless of whether a firewall
exists or not.

>> Would appreciate any info or leads to information sources.

Tim> A quick look with Alta Vista for the string "web proxy" reveals
Tim> 25 articles on Usenet and 200 on the Web, with some of them
Tim> containing further pointers, definitions, and other helpful
Tim> information.

For one-stop shopping I recommend Delegate, written by Yutaka Sato
<ysato at>, available from

It should run on any reasonable Unix system.  Most of the
documentation is in Japanese, but there is enough in English to get it
up and running.

steve at baur
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