Futplex makes the news!

Mike Duvos mpd at netcom.com
Fri Feb 2 14:32:23 PST 1996

rah at shipwright.com (Robert Hettinga) wrote:

 > I just heard on WBUR (NPR) here in Boston that our own L. (I 
 > know his real first name now...) "Futplex" McCarthy was busted
 > by the UMASS diginarks for putting "Nazi material" on the 
 > internet. This must be one of those Nazi-mirrors I've been 
 > skipping articles over...


We seem to be discovering more and more side effects from the 
defense of free speech for the unpopular.  The Holocausta Nostra
is cheering wildly at the opportunity to present the works of
Mr. Zundel under a banner reading "Nazi Scum".  Zundelsites are
being set up by people whose views are so disgusting they probably
offend even Mr. Zundel himself.  And now our very own "Futplex" 
will have to live the rest of his life branded as a electronic
distributor of "hate literature" by the forces of political
correctness at UMASS.  

It may be time to regroup and take inventory of what we are 
suposedly trying to accomplish here. 

X-Signature: Mike Duvos
X-Signature-File: c:\netcom\mail.sig

On a completely different note, which I am appending so as to waste
as little bandwidth as possible, Cypherpunks messages to my netcom
account stopped dead two days ago, and I am getting no response from
either majordomo at toad.com or cypherpunks-owner at toad.com.  

I am currently reading the list quite nicely on 


using Netscape so it really isn't a big deal, but I was just curious
if there was a routing problem or some other Net glitch.

Please EMAIL any replies. 

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