[NOISE][CONTEST][FACTS] don't help much, do they?

Mike Fletcher fletch at ain.bls.com
Fri Feb 2 09:56:17 PST 1996

> Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, as the saying goes.

> [ Mr. May laments the futility of []'d labeling to raise S/N. ]

	For those that use emacs (and you should :), there's a version
of GNUS (the newsreader) that has a neat scoring feature.  Unlike a kill
file which only gets rid of articles, scoring will automagically assign
a negative (i.e. kill it) or positive (i.e. interesting) score to articles.
You can manually rate articles or threads, or you can let Gnus use what
the author of the package calls "artificial stupidity" to assign points
based on whether or not you read a particular message.  I've been using
it on news for a couple of days now and it's starting to pickup some of
my reading habits.  It will also work on mail files (now if I can only
get MH installed where my mail feed comes in I'll be set :).  It also can
access shared global score files using anon-ftp, so if someone want's to
start a CP scoring service . . . .

	If you're interested check out:


Fletch                                                     __`'/|
fletch at ain.bls.com  "Lisa, in this house we obey the       \ o.O'    ______
404 713-0414(w)      Laws of Thermodynamics!" H. Simpson   =(___)= -| Ack. |
404 315-7264(h) PGP Print: 8D8736A8FC59B2E6 8E675B341E378E43  U      ------

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