Tim's paranoid rant about Declan appearing on "Europe's Most Wanted"

jim bell jimbell at pacifier.com
Thu Feb 1 19:10:39 PST 1996


At 02:02 AM 2/1/96 -0800, Just Rich wrote:

>On Thu, 1 Feb 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:
>> At 7:27 AM 2/1/96, sameer wrote:
>> >> I guess Declan M. won't be visting France or any of the other EU
>> >> countries any time soon!
>> >
>> >        That reminds me of a question--
>> >
>> >        If, for example, Germany decides that my company is in
>> >violation of their laws for mirroring the Zundelsite, will they send
>> >us a letter saying that, so we know not to go to Germany?
>> The Nebraska-based neo-Nazi publisher who was picked up in Denmark and
>> extradited to Germany pretty much knew his actions were illegal in Germany,
>> but I doubt (sheer speculation on my part) he had ever been formally
>> notified that an arrest warrant had been issued by Germany and could be
>> exercised in Denmark.
>> The situation with Declan, Sameer, Duncan, and others, is even less clear.
>I disagree. It is clear to me that there is absolutely no cloud hanging 
>over us. If any German court tried to press charges against me for 
>posting Zendel's materials, they'd be laughed across the Argonne. Most 
>mainstream Jewish groups *love* me right now.

Actually, I think your argument self-destructs.  Tim May is right.  If you 
take solace in the fact that "most mainstream Jewish groups *love* [you] 
right now," then that strongly implies that this fact (assuming, for the 
purposes of the argument, that your claim is true: you are loved) indicates 
that Jewish groups have some sort of strong input into who Germany 
prosecutes.  This implies a political friend/foe system, which is EXACTLY 
the kind of indeterminacy that Tim May  (and many other people) are worried 
about.   Consider the position of a "new" person who isn't on the 
"mainstream Jewish groups radar" (either positive or negative) the way you 
claim to be.   The implications of your statement is that HE would have to 
WORRY.  YOU would be SAFE!

Doesn't this bother you a bit?

Version: 2.6.2


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