I hate over-hyped claims

Nathaniel Borenstein nsb at nsb.fv.com
Thu Feb 1 09:27:24 PST 1996

Perception in some quarters to the contrary, I am very averse to
over-hyped claims, and I would therefore like to publicly acknowledge a
factual error in my previous announcement.  I wrote:

> The only known Internet-based solution that does not require such
> hardware is the First Virtual Internet Payment system, details of which
> are available at http://www.fv.com.

This is not quite true, and I should have known better, but I forgot
about the one other example I'd heard of.  I should have said:

> The only known Internet-based solutions that do not require such
> hardware are the First Virtual Internet Payment system, details of which
> are available at http://www.fv.com, and the GC Tech system, described at
> http://www.gctec.com/.

I apologize to the good folks at GC Tech for this unfortunate mistake. 
They are our competitors, but that does not mean we intended to make any
false or misleading claims about them.

I stand by all my other claims.    -- Nathaniel
Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb at fv.com>
Chief Scientist, First Virtual Holdings
FAQ & PGP key: nsb+faq at nsb.fv.com

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