Tim's paranoid rant about Declan appearing on "Europe's Most

Declan B. McCullagh declan+ at CMU.EDU
Thu Feb 1 07:18:57 PST 1996

Forwarded from another mailing list. (Charles is a journalist/author...)

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Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 09:11:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Platt <cp at panix.com>
Subject: Out of Control

Rich Graves' suggestion that Declan is "out of control" is interesting.
Perhaps Rich merely meant that Declan made a mistake but the subtext
suggests that Declan should be in some sense marching in step, following a
consensus, obeying a policy. I don't like the smell of this. 

In my experience, having read MUCH literature from revisionists and from 
organizations such as Wiesenthal and ADL, it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to 
adopt an independent or middle path without raising the wrath of those 
on both sides of Jewish issues. 

I also suggest that public statements, especially from ADL/Wiesenthal,
cannot be taken at face value. For instance: 

> * The ADL is tracking racist sites, but the goal is to expose them and
>   educate the public.

Anyone who believes that this is the totality of ADL activities and 
intentions is simply unaware of the history of the ADL. I have personally 
witnessed an ADL representative trying to recruit hackers to paralyze a 
BBS where white-supremacist materials were stored. And this I think is 
just the tip of the iceberg.

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