Hardening lists against spam attacks

tmcghan at gill-simpson.com tmcghan at gill-simpson.com
Tue Dec 31 08:00:58 PST 1996

Toto wrote:
> {snip} the source of any excessive increase could be put on 'hold'
> until the system operator has a chance to check on the validity
> Bill Frantz wrote:
> > 
> > The Christmas attack against this list shows the need to develop lists
> > which are resistant to attacks.

...and how long has Usenet had 'moderated' newsgroups?

( only as long as there have been individuals with the time and 
patience to screen the volume of input, and exercise thoughtful 
discretion in selecting the 'worthy' postings.)

  How smart an 'automatic' filter can clever folks design?   

for(;;) {

Thomas M. McGhan
tmcghan at gill-simpson.com
voice:       (410) 467-3335
fax:         (410) 235-6961
pagenet:     (410) 716-1342
cellular:    (410) 241-9113
ICBM:        39.395N 76.469W

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