(Fwd) Re: Mr. May's Posts. Other Things.

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at algebra.com
Mon Dec 30 20:54:44 PST 1996

jim bell wrote:
> At 04:33 PM 12/30/96 -0800, Ross Wright wrote:
> >This is the message I got in response to my post regarding Mr. May's
> >offensive, racist, and bigoted post about ebonics.
> His comments were not "offensive, racist, and bigoted."  They were funny, 
> intentionally so.  The whole "Ebonics" issue is a hilarious example of 
> political-correctness gone mad.  Interestingly, Jesse Jackson tried to make it 
> look like the blacks were the victims, the ones most offended by the actions 
> of the Oakland schools people.  Embarrassed, maybe, victims no.

In fact, along with Ebonic, another language, Sovonic, was discovered.

It is described in great detail in article 
199612300340.VAA00555 at manifold.algebra.com and subsequent intensive

Please help Sovonic gain equal recognition with Ebonic.

	- Igor.

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