~digicash at Shell

Brad Dolan bdolan at USIT.NET
Mon Dec 30 14:32:18 PST 1996

On Mon, 30 Dec 1996, Eric Blossom wrote:

> > Shell is now marketing a stored-value card in $25, $50, and $100 face
> > denominations.  The $100 card retails for $94 right now.  I'm not sure if
> > that discount will be a long-term thing or if it's just to get people
> > hooked.  Anyway, the card can be purchased anonymously for cash and can be
> > used to buy anything at Shell.  I like to use the automated
> > pay-at-the-pump gizmos to save time but I don't like to leave a digital
> > footprint behind on my credit card statement for Louis' Legions to peruse,
> > so I think the stored-value card is a step forward for privacy.
> Is this a "stored value smart card", or something like most US phone
> cards, where the "account number" is used to debit a centrally
> maintained account?

It appears to be mag-stripe "dumb card," which is used to debit a
centrally mantained but anonymous pre-paid account.



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