With my deepest regards....

Dale Thorn dthorn at gte.net
Sun Dec 29 11:39:30 PST 1996

Adam Breaux wrote:
> I am withdrawing from this list. Not because of the volume of
> email...that I can deal with...but what I cannot deal with is the
> volume of garbage and egotistical ranting that seems so prevalent in
> what should for all sakes and purposes be a discussion of cyphering
> and security. Apparently the name of this list is designed to
> mislead...because of all the posts, a grand total of 5% proved worth
> reading at all.

Note to cypherpunks:  This guy complains about the problem, but he *is*
the problem.  *He* wants to tell us *he's* leaving.  Talk about ego-
tistical ranting!  What a hypocrite.

BTW, 5% is a pretty good percentage in my book.

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