"Deeyenda" E-MAil virus alert!!!!!!

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.billerica.ma.us
Fri Dec 27 13:06:07 PST 1996

On 12/27/96 12:30 PM, tedk (tpk at sensorsys.com) writes 
> To:  ALL
>From: Ted Kochanski
>Re:  "Deeyenda"  E-MAIL Virus ALERT
>#: 2456 S0/CompuServe Mail  [MAIL]
>     20-Dec-96 20:23 EST
> Sb: Virus Alert
> Fm: Art Ellingsen > INTERNET:artell at ix.netcom.com
> To: Robert M. Avallone [70733,1707]

whoops, you been caught hook, line and urban legend  :-)  

check cert alerts for email viruses and how they are closely related to 
the loch ness monster

--- eric

Eric S. Johansson       ka1eec          esj at harvee.billerica.ma.us
This message was composed almost entirely by DragonDictate. 
k9 wisdom as translated by DD: "look homeward wrong aroma"

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