Want Your Biz To EXPLODE In 1997?

peggyhn at isp-inter.net peggyhn at isp-inter.net
Fri Dec 27 02:38:15 PST 1996


Hello and Happy Holidays!

I thought you might be interested in some information to help you build your business to new heights!! It will sure help 1997 to be the VERY best yet!!

I love to bulk email, and I was using Floodgate.  I just loved it!  
Then I came across something brand new that has Floodgate put to shame!  

This software will almost eliminate "flames" by using personalization in the email address, (no more "suppressed" list), putting in their first and/or last name, reminding you when to follow up, extracts addresses from AOL without even having to belong to AOL, plus so much more!  They are even having a HOLIDAY SALE! $100 off regular price until Jan. 5th.
So this is a GREAT time to try out the free demo and see what you think!

For further information, just reply back and ask for "NO FLAME" Info!  I will let you know where you can download the demo and try it for FREE!!

I don't sell this, I just think it's the most awesome online marketing tool I have ever seen! Also, FYI, the seller offers people who have purchased Net Contact a $165 referal fee, so if you are concerned about money, you can get a free auto-responder and use it to  pay for Net Contact!!  
( You will also receive FREE training and support!!  
This is found NO where else!!)

For instant information, email:
star-peggyhendricks-netcontact at nicers.com

Happy Holidays!!
Peggy Hendricks

P.S. Remember the HOLIDAY SALE!  It will be over January 5th!

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