Mark Mage is a Thief

Shit F. Brains cypherpunks at
Thu Dec 26 21:40:41 PST 1996

troubled at wrote:
> I saw a posting on alt.privacy a couple of days ago from
> 100222.1435 at (Mark Mage) advertising the
> availability of what he called "the safest kind of bank
> account legally available", something called "an anonymous
> 'Sparbuch'" account in Austria.

Dear Troubled,
  The guy's a fucking thief, from what I've heard.
  It seems the FBI is looking for him for a nasty number he
pulled on some retired people, ripping off their life savings.
He seems to have the IRS after him, as well.
  I'd steer clear of him.  He's bad news.


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