confidential banking?

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Thu Dec 26 18:11:32 PST 1996

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On Thu, 26 Dec 1996 troubled at wrote:

> I saw a posting on alt.privacy a couple of days ago from
> 100022.1345 at (Mark Mage) advertising the
> availability of what he called "the safest kind of bank
> account legally available", something called "an anonymous
> 'Sparbuch'" account in Austria.
> ...
> I'm not at all familiar with Austrian banking law or this type
> of account.  Would someone tell me if this is worth checking
> into further?  'Mark Mage' says these accounts usually cost
> $200 - $400 to set up, but he's asking "considerably less".

The trouble with sparbuchs is that they are legally available 
only to Austrians.  The answer to this given by promoters is that
since no ID can be required of Austrians and the passbook is in
essence a bearer instrument, the law cannot be enforced.  As far
as I can tell, though, one would really need to handle one's
business through an Austrian to keep from having to answer 
embarrassing questions.  In addition, I personally would not do
business with Mark Mage.

 S a n d y


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