Unix Passwd

Genocide gen2600 at aracnet.com
Thu Dec 26 15:42:20 PST 1996

	Mygod, please tell me you are saying this as a joke...

On Thu, 26
Dec 1996, Fyodor Yarochkin wrote:

> Anyone has any success in breaking this?
> -f

Head of the Genocide2600 Group

		   **Coming soon! www.Genocide2600.com!
  *---===|                  |===---*
  *---===|     Genocide     |===---*     "You can be a king or a street
  *---===|       2600       |===---*   sweeper, but everyone dances with the
  *---===|__________________|===---*              Grim Reaper."
Email:  gen2600 at aracnet.com	Web:  http://www.aracnet.com/~gen2600

	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
	It is by the Mountain Dew that the thoughts acquire speed,
	the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.

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