Iranian clergic attacks Internet as 'poison' to the masses (fwd)

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at
Wed Dec 25 09:24:04 PST 1996

*** Iranian clergic attacks Internet as 'poison' to the masses

A senior Iranian cleric called Friday for restricting Internet access
because the global computer network fed "poison" to the masses.
Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said the Internet should be restricted to
research and scientific centers and he criticized "unalert and
uncalculating" officials who allowed unrestricted access. He said the
Internet "poisoned thought, morale and attitude" and "was much worse
than food poisoning since 100 doctors put together could not cure such
a case in a short time." For the full text story, see


Vipul Ved Prakash                 | - Electronic Security & Crypto 
vipul at 	          | - Internet & Intranets 
91 11 2233328                     | - Web Development & PERL 
198 Madhuban IP Extension         | - Linux & Open Systems 
Delhi, INDIA 110 092              | - (Networked) Multimedia

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