
Alan Olsen alan at ctrl-alt-del.com
Mon Dec 23 10:41:30 PST 1996

At 09:32 AM 12/23/96 +0000, Omegaman wrote:
>> > from grammatically incorrect speech.  I can speak with grammatic
>> > perfection and a
>> > drawl so heavy it'll make your eyeballs hurt. 
>>  Yeah. I thought the issue was understanding in the workplace; no
>>  matter
>> how gramatically correct your are, I can't understand you and so I
>> won't hire you.
>Re-read what I said carefully.  I "*can* speak"... I can also speak 
>more clearly.  The same holds true, for speakers of "ebonics." 
>and it is an insult to their intelligence to imply that they cannot 
>or cannot easily learn to.  

I am waiting for the "language police" to get ahold of Ebonics.  I can just
see inner city kids being told that they are not slurring their vowels
properly or any other of a thousand obscure rules of language.

Maybe the best way to kill a subculture's language is to codify it,
regiment it, and then force it to be taught in the schools.

What the hell this has to do with crypto, I have no idea...

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